Join the Lone Birch Blossoms Local Flower CSA

Fresh Flowers All Summer Long!
A Lone Birch Blossoms CSA share is a beautiful way to enjoy fresh local cut flowers all season long. Consider it your way to have guaranteed beauty artfully arranged for you every week—and all you have to do is show up to pick up!
You’re sure to have questions about our seasonal flower CSA, so first things first:
2023 CSA Pickup Locations:
Starting Early July
1096 Barre Road, Gilbertville, MA

What You Get with your Cut Flower CSA Share:
How great would it be to have locally-grown, fresh-cut flowers on your desk or table every week? With your Lone Birch Flower CSA you will get:
One fresh-cut flower bouquet every week for six or twelve consecutive weeks, depending on your tier subscription. If you would like more than one bouquet, you are welcome to purchase more than one share.
Your bouquet will be comprised of a variety of seasonal flowers grown here at Lone Birch Blossoms at Clover Hill Farm in the Gilbertville village of Hardwick, Massachusetts. (A short drive out of the center of Hardwick towards the village of Old Furnace.)
Bouquets may also include greens, foliage, and interesting fillers to add beauty and variety to your arrangement.
Your CSA bouquet will be at least a little different every week, because our best flowers will be different every week, and different varieties of flowers will be blooming at different times throughout the season.
Pickup locations, such as our home base at the Clover Hill Farm Farmstand, often offer additional fresh farm products, quality meats, and local products. This makes them great places for weekly shopping where you can support two (or more!) great locals in a single stop! Please patronize my partners who generously share their business spaces with me!

What is a CSA, Anyway?
CSA stands for “Community Supported Agriculture.” A CSA is a subscription-style farm product purchase defined as a “production and distribution system that directly connects farmers and consumers.
In short: people buy “shares” of a farm’s harvest in advance and then receive a portion of the crops as they’re harvested.” …In our case, that crop is beautiful, fresh-cut FLOWERS!
CSA’s are typically purchased in advance, in part as a way to secure your share and guarantee your product, and in part as a way to generate important income for farms during slow times of the year—thereby providing working capital for activities such as purchasing and planting and reducing the farm’s need to rely on costly credit.
The earliest CSA shares began as pre-purchased vegetable crop shares, but have since grown to include such things as locally grown meats, value-added products, and of course, seasonal flowers!
Flower CSA Shares make great gifts!! Wives, girlfriends, sisters, mothers, and others are all sure to love your gift of a Lone Birch Blossoms CSA share. Purchase a share as an ongoing gift today!

How Does a Flower CSA Work?
Our local flower CSA works much the as any other CSA program, the only difference being that fresh cut flowers are your prize rather than meats or vegetables. Here’s how you can get in on the beauty:
Purchase your share. Purchase your LBB flower CSA [link to shop page] early to ensure your share. In order to make sure we can provide enough beautiful blooms for all our customers all season long, CSA memberships are limited. . You can purchase your share through my online flower shop, or contact me for other arrangements.
Choose your tier. Choose the length of your subscription. Lone Birch Blossoms offers five-week and ten-week CSA shares.
Choose your pickup location. Our primary CSA pickup location is right here at the flower farm, located at Clover Hill Farm in Hardwick, MA. Other potential pickup locations around Central Massachusetts are to be announced. Please note that you must choose ONE location for pickup for the entire season, and your pickup location will remain the same every week.

Watch your email for the ‘Season Start!’ announcement. Our season is anticipated to start near beginning of July. One week prior to the beginning of the season, you will receive an email from Lone Birch Blossoms telling you when your first pickup date will be—approximately one week following that contact. Plan to begin picking up your bouquet the next week, and every week thereafter until the completion of your five- or ten-week share subscription.
Pick up your beautiful local blooms! Once the CSA season has started, simply show up to your selected CSA location during the indicated times and pick up your first bouquet of local fresh-cut flowers. Any remaining balances due on your share are required to be paid at this time.
Come back for your weekly beauty! For the remaining weeks of your CSA share, simply return to your pickup location during the designated time and get your beautiful, fresh, bouquet. With good care (and we’ll give you some tips!), this bouquet will last you all week long, until it’s time for a new fresh-cut flower bouquet again. You’ll enjoy beautiful blooms all summer long!

A Few Fine Final Details:
Finally, just a few final details to know about your flower CSA subscription:
Shares must be picked up by the shareholder/purchaser unless otherwise specified by the shareholder/CSA buyer. If your CSA purchase is a gift, simply indicate that in comments, email, or let me (Emily) know and we will honor the recipient as the CSA shareholder, who will then be able to pick up the weekly CSA bouquet.
If you will be not be able to pick up your weekly share, please Contact Me as early as possible to see if alternate arrangements can be made. Though I am often able to arrange for you to pick up your bouquet on a different day or at a different time, I am not typically able to extend or otherwise add on weeks to your share, because the length of the growing season dictates the length of the share.
Refunds cannot be given for CSA shares that are not picked up. Failure to contact Lone Birch Blossoms ahead of time for alternate arrangements and/or failure to pick up your CSA bouquet will result in a forfeit of that week’s product and will not be otherwise compensated.
Though these policies must be stated and put in place, my every intention is to serve each and every customer, and to serve you well. Please Contact Me and communicate if you have an issue to see what I may be able to do for you!